Help! I’m Stressed Out and Don’t Know What to Do About It! March 30, 2017 – Posted in: Blog, Health


How many times a day do you hear that word? Perhaps you even use it yourself.

From a full day of meetings to carting the kids around for appointments and errands to the latest threat picked up and exploited by the news. Stress is everywhere. It’s your daily companion.

All this stress can’t be good for me, right? Exactly what kind of havoc is it creating in my body?

Before we dive into the level of damage (or not) stress is causing on your body, it’s important to identify the two different kinds of stress: Acute Stress and Chronic Stress.

Acute Stress occurs in small episodes, or bursts. Studies now show that Acute Stress may be beneficial to the body. It is necessary to maintaining your good health by releasing hormones such as cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid made in the adrenal glands. Its key function is to restore balance in the body’s systems. It helps control blood sugar levels, regulate metabolism, reduce inflammation, and assist with memory.

Acceptable Acute Stress notifies the body of a wound or an infection. As a result, the body may redistribute its immune cells so that is can more quickly respond to fight off damage or unwanted invaders.

Be careful though. Acute Stress is a stepping stone to Chronic Stress. Chronic Stress is stress that happens over long periods of time. It is harmful. Chronic Stress can suppress your immune system. You then become more susceptible to illness and infection.

What can you do to bolster your immune system and combat this ugly gremlin called stress?

Add some Turmeric Root Extract into your daily diet. Turmeric’s main active ingredient is Curcumin. Curcumin is proven to be a powerful antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory.

Mix it up with your spices for mealtime dishes. Include pepper in the spice mix to help potentiate the curcumin absorption. Or, since curcumin is fat soluble, add it directly to a dish high in fats.

Make some down time for you. Step away from the duress. Put the phone and computer and tablet away. Grab a good book. Take a bath. Go for a walk. Hit the gym. Meditate.

Get your brain out of the ‘racing’ phase so that you can breathe deeply. Let your body heal itself.


